
A delay of three seconds between lightning and thunder means that the lightning is 1km away.

To estimate the distance between you and a thunderstorm, you can use the "flash-to-bang" method. When you see a flash of lightning, start counting the seconds until you hear the corresponding thunder. Then, divide the number of seconds by 5 to get an estimate of the distance in miles or divide by 3 to get an estimate in kilometers.


In the age of dinosaurs, an Earth day was less than 23 hours long

The rotation of Earth is slowing down, so days are becoming longer. In the age of dinosaurs, 60 million years ago, an Earth day was less than 23 hours long.


5cm is how much taller you could be in space due to a lack of gravity.

Art and culture

The first ever skyscraper was the 10-storey-high Home Insurance Building, built in Chicago, USA, in 1885.

Art and culture

Library of Congress in Washington DC - The biggest library

The biggest library in the world is the Library of Congress in Washington DC, which holds over 170 million items in its collections. The library's vast collection includes books, manuscripts, maps, photographs, prints, audio recordings, films, and digital materials.

Marine life
Hermit crab

Image by Silke Baron from Vienna, Austria, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Hairy Frogfish - Masters of camouflage

The hairy frogfish is a peculiar-looking fish with a unique adaptation. It has small, hair-like appendages called "cirri" that cover its body, resembling seaweed or algae. Hairy frogfish are masters of camouflage. They have a rough, hairy, and textured skin that helps them blend seamlessly with their surroundings, resembling algae or coral. This camouflage allows them to ambush prey and evade predators.

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The Atacama Desert in Chile - driest place in the world.

The driest place on Earth is generally considered to be The Atacama Desert in Chile, South America. It is an incredibly arid region known for its extreme dryness, with only 15 mm of rainfall every year. On the other hand, the wettest place on Earth is typically recognized as Mawsynram, a village in the state of Meghalaya, India. It receives the highest recorded average annual rainfall of 11,872 mm.


"Rhythms" is the longest English word

The longest English word without a single vowel is "RHYTHMS."



The fear of long words: Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is a playful term for the fear of long words. The word itself is intentionally long and complex, adding a touch of humor to the fear it represents.

  • "Hippopotamus" refers to a large mammal often associated with rivers and lakes.
  • "Monstrous" means extremely large or extraordinary in size.
  • "Sesquipedalian" refers to long words or a tendency to use long words.
  • "Phobia" represents an irrational fear or aversion(refers to a strong dislike)
Shadow on the moon

Shadows on the Moon are darker than on Earth

This is because the moon's surface reflects sunlight differently than Earth's surface. On Earth, sunlight is scattered by the atmosphere, which diffuses the light and creates a certain level of brightness even in shadowed areas. On the moon, there is no atmosphere to scatter the sunlight. The absence of atmosphere also means there is no indirect or ambient light to fill in the shadows, making them appear darker and more pronounced.


Image by Robert Owen-Wahl from Pixabay

Cows have BFFs!

Like humans, cows can form deep bonds with other cows and develop friendships. Cows have been observed engaging in grooming behaviors, where they use their tongues to clean and groom each other, which helps in building social bonds. Cows may also show signs of distress when separated from specific herd members they are close to, suggesting a level of emotional attachment.


If it were possible it would take one hour to drive to space

Reaching space is commonly defined as crossing the Kármán line, which is an imaginary boundary located approximately 100 kilometers (62 miles) above sea level. If it were possible to drive a car straight up into space at a speed of 100kmph it would take an hour to drive to space.